Monday, January 7, 2019

windows - How can Excel dates default to short-date format when the year isn't typed?

When typing dates into unformatted (General format) cells, Excel will change the format to a custom date format, but I'd rather it just stick to either the short or long format.


11/28             : 28-Nov           (this isn't the common US format)
Nov 28 : 28-Nov ("")
November 28, 2018 : 28-Nov-18 ("")
11/28/18 : 11/28/2018 (system Short Date)
11/28/2018 : 11/28/2018
11/28 4:00 pm : 11/28/2018 16:00 (should be "4:00 pm")

The region format in the Region control panel is the standard short (M/d/yyyy) and long (dddd, MMMM d, yyyy) date and time (h:mm tt) formats for "English (United States)."

Is there a way to have Excel use the system/short format by default for dates or date-times when typed into a unformatted cell?


(There are several questions on changing the default format, but they are requesting displaying in something other than the system format, creating a custom format, or converting data to a new format.)

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