Saturday, March 31, 2018

unetbootin - Trying to boot a windows 8.1 ISO from usb

My hard drive randomly decided to stop booting my windows os so I downloaded a windows 8.1 ISO and installed it to my USB using Unetbootin. In my BIOS, launch csm is disabled as well as fast boot. My USB is formatted to fat32 with the unetbootin program.

What happens is when I try to boot from my USB, the windows flag will pop up with the spinning icon below it, and then a black screen forever.

I don't know how this screwed up so bad at this point. I have Ubuntu installed and I can still use that, but I'd like to get windows back if possible.

administrator - Windows Defender turned off by Group Policy

My PC with Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB v.1607 installed, automatically restarted for an error (I don't remember the error, I just remember a blue page in Windows style with a sad emoticon face).
When the PC restarted, Windows defender was disabled and I'm not able to turn it on.
The error is:

Windows Defender is Turned off by Group Policy. To protect your computer
against harmful or potentially unwanted software, contact your system
administrator to enable Windows Defender via group policy.

I've tried all the following things:

  1. Delete the value in the DisableAntiSpyware key in HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender (I've not this key because my version is older than v.1703).

  2. In Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender the option Turn off Windows Defender is already set to not configured.

  3. In Services the service Windows Defender is not present.

  4. In Control Panel > Action Center under the voice Windows Firewall I can read: For your security, some settings are managed by your system administrator, but I'm the administrator.

How can I turn on Windows Defender?


This sounds more like malware than an accidental change to Group Policy, since that switch is normally not used by AV suites to disable Defender. If you cannot reset that in GPE, then make bootable media to scan for malware, e.g. Avira Rescue System, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool or Rescue Disk.

You might also try installing a third party AV suite, such as the free versions of Avast!, Avira or alternatives to see if that corrects the issue. You would then have the choice of staying with that AV suite or uninstalling it to see if Defender works again.

ubuntu - Merge USB partitions into single partition on Windows 8.1

I was trying to install Ubuntu in dual mode on my PC, but it failed and it divided my USB drive into three partitions whilst making USB a bootable device.

Now I want to merge these USB partitions into single partition. 
See the Disk Management display:

Disk Management display

You can see there are three partitions on one USB drive
(with sizes 1.43 GB, 2 MB, 450 MB).

When I right click on these partitions there is no option Extend Volume or Delete Volume or Shrink Volume. These options are disabled.

Please help me: how can I merge them to single partition?

How can I prevent Microsoft Windows 10 from displaying the "let's cross this one off your list" update pop-up?

How can I prevent Microsoft Windows 10 from displaying "let's cross this one off your list" update pop-up? (without having to update Microsoft Windows 10)

enter image description here

I use Microsoft Windows 18.03.

networking - Windows 10, can ping other PC but cannot access shared folders! What gives?

I have a computer running Windows 7 that shares a Git repo on drive D. Let's call this PC "win7". This repo is the origin of a project that we push to and pull from.

The network is a wireless network. One PC on this network is running on Windows 10. Let's call this PC "win10". Win10 can ping every other PC on the network including win7. Win7 can ping win10. Win7 can access all shared files on win10. Neither of the PCs have passwords.

Problem: Win10 cannot access any shared files on win7, not from Explorer, nor from Git Bash or any other Git management system (E-Git on Eclipse or Visual Studio). So, win10 cannot pull/push. Every other PC on the network can access win7 shared files and push/pull to/from the shared Git origin.

What's wrong with Windows 10?

I have tried these:

  1. Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center\Advanced sharing settings\ File sharing is on, Discovery is on, Password protected sharing is off

  2. Adapter Settings\Properties\QoS Packet Scheduler uninstalled and re-installed

  3. Adapter Settings\Properties\File and Printer Sharing uninstalled and re-installed

  4. Adapter Settings\Properties\EVERYTHING uninstalled and re-installed

  5. gpedit.msc\Computer Config\Win Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options:

    Enabled These:

    • Network access: Allow anonymous SID/name translation

    • Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users

    Disabled These:

    • Network access: Restrict anonymous access to Named Pipes and Shares

    • Network access: Do not allow anonymous enumeration of SAM accounts

    • Network access: Do not allow anonymous enumeration of SAM accounts and shares

  6. netsh int ip reset, and then restarted

  7. netsh winsock reset, and then restarted

  8. AdapterSettings\ Enabled NetBIOS over TCP/IP

  9. Tried changing to static IP

  10. The new windows 10 Control Panel\ Network Reset

  11. Firewall is turned off

All of these were tried to no avail.


AT LAAST!! After 4 month, and seeing the error for the second time, I found the solution here:

Turns out, if you type the ip in "Run", and only in "Run", a very specific error shows up that contains this message: "your organization's security policies blocks access..."

Searching that lead me to this solution:

Open "Local Group Policy Editor" by searching in Start Menu or going to Run and running gpedit.msc, then go to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\network\Lanman Workstation and:
"Enable insecure guest logons"

And that solved the problem.

windows server 2012 - Disk drive space inconsistencies when at capacity

I noticed that one of my drives was full after moving some files onto it:

enter image description here

I thought it unlikely that copying files of random sizes would result in exactly filling the available space, so I became suspicious.

I then dragged a file that was 1.57 MB off the drive and onto my desktop (via shift+drag). The drive's free space then said 1.52 MB, which didn't make sense. I then clicked "Undo Move" and it would not move the file back, claiming there was not enough free space.

Can anyone make sense of this? There is nothing else being written to the drive. I'm guessing it has something to do with the internal structure of the drive (e.g. fragmentation [although it says 0% fragmented]), and this is a drive on a virtual machine.

Friday, March 30, 2018

windows 7 - Users and Groups management on 7 Home Premium

I recently upgraded my home PC from Windows XP Pro, to Windows 7 Home Premium.

Since Local Users and Groups is blocked on Home Premium, I can't figure out how to manage groups, or even do anything even slightly advanced to users (basically, create/group/picture is it). Net localgroup, net users, net etc, doesn't seem to work - getting "system error 5".

While I'm on the topic, I cant activate (what was once) "Local Security Policy"...

Looking for any help, advice, or even a new direction because things are different in Windows 7.

To clarify, I'm looking to do some of the following, which were simply back in XP-land:

  • remote user only (i.e. no local logon)

  • Grant special privileges for specific user

  • grant access to e.g. C$ share for specific remote user

  • create custom groups for users, to be able to separate privileges of say, my wife's from my kids

  • define quite specifically what each user can do (beyond just standard users)

  • Harden OS (hmm, I guess maybe what I'm looking for is a security hardening guide for 7?)


I am able to use net commands on windows 7 home premium and I do not get system error 5. Have you tried running cmd as administrator and then typing the net commands?

A registry reference might also help you

adobe reader - Splitting a PDF document in two without purchasing a PDF editing tool

Acrobat Reader allow us to easily save a copy of the PDF document. How can I save only from page 5 to 10 without purchasing a PDF editing tool?


You can send page 5 to 10 to a PDF-printer in such a case. Installing a printer that can print to pdf is freeware, and can be done with little loss.

windows - USB flash drive became Basic after installing BCD

TL;DR: Used "Install BCD" option and USB drive became "Basic" instead of "Removable".

I have a 64gb Sandisk flash drive, which was about 80% full. I wanted to install windows from it but didn't want to format it and lose data, so I googled if such a thing was possible, and came about an article saying to copy the .iso content onto flash drive and then use EasyBCD feature "Install BCD" to make it bootable.


enter image description here

I did this and clicked Yes in the dialog, but when booting from usb it gave an error. I decided to move the files to pc and then use Media Creation Tool to prepare the USB, but to my surprise it couldn't see the drive. I saw that it had changed from being "Removable" type to being "Basic",

enter image description here

so the windows doesn't see it as a flash drive anymore. I can read/write to it without a problem.

I reformatted, deleted partition and recreated it multiple times. I tried lexar bootit but I don't think it worked.


First, see a previous question on flipping the Removable Media Bit (RMB).

There is a good description of this process at Windows OS Hub. The site also suggests modifying the way Windows views the drive, if the bit cannot be flipped, using cfadisk.sys.

There are various tools to flip the RMB that controls drive type, such as one which works on Lexar flash drives. Another tool is for Alcor or Transcend drives.

Caveats: Note that the bit-flip utilities seem to be specific to a particular USB flash drive type, and I did not find one specifically for Sandisk. Also note that one utility showed as malware in VirusTotal -- be sure to check all downloiads.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

What can I do for hard disk error?

It's a follow-up question for this question.
Dropped external HDD

Using HD Tune, I learned that my external HDD has some errors on it.
Then what can/should I do?

Is there any way that I can 'flag' the damaged part so that this part is not used any more and move my data to undamaged part?

batch - Sorting files into folders, according a portion of the file name

I am looking to sort approximately 3,000 pdf files into their own folders. All 3,000 files are in one folder and follow the same format.


I have made all the folders, but now want to move the appropriate PDF document into the corresponding folder. I found this handy answer to get me started: How to sort files into folders, according to file names - Windows CMD.

This is what I'm currently trying to modify:

:: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Training Test.cmd
@Echo off

PushD "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Training Test"

For %%A in (*.pdf) do For /F "tokens=2,3delims=-." %%B in ("%%A") Do (
If Not exist "%%B" MD "%%B"
Move "%%A" "%%B"

What I'm finding is that it's creating a new folder with a space in front of the employee name. I have a folder named "EMPLOYEEFIRST EMPLOYEELAST", but its making a new folder of " EMPLOYEEFIRST EMPLOYEELAST" (note the space at the beginning).

I have also noticed that it creates a new folder for those employees with a hyphenated first or last name. EMPLOYEE-FIRST EMPLOYEE-LAST just turns into a new folder of " EMPLOYEE".

I'm very new to all of this. Is there a way of resolving the issues with the space in the folder name and hyphenated names?

hard drive - Windows 7 - "A disk read error occured. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart"


When I switch on my PC, after BIOS POST, a cursor is blinking for about 5 seconds and then I am getting this error message:

A disk read error occurred.
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart.

I am able to go into BIOS. But Windows loader doesn't even start. This message is shown after my motherboard logo comes and goes.


  • I DID notice my system freezing for minutes at a time for past two days.

  • Also, in the past two days, it stopped half way through the Window booting process. I had to do hard reset couple of times to get it working.

  • But since today morning, I only get this error message.


Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit only.
Hard disk: 1 Physical Disk - 80GB SATA
Partitions: Two (2) - C: and D:
File System: NTFS
No drive encryption or compression is turned on.

After I searched on the net, I have found people mentioning these possible causes:

  • Hard Disk is physically failing

  • Corrupt MBR

  • Bad Sector

I am planning to buy a new hard disk, install Windows on it and continue. But I need data from the old hard disk. The data I want is in D: drive, outside any Windows user folder, is not encrypted or compressed or protected in anyway. I think if someone/something can get the disk working again and knows NTFS, the data can be hopefully read.

What steps should I follow to recover files from the defective disk?


I bought a new disk, installed windows on it and added the defective one as a slave. Then I was able to read the data from the defective hard disk. Though chkdsk found lots of errors, the files I wanted were not affected and I got them back :) I am not using that hard disk anymore though it seems to be working at the moment.


As you're getting a new disk to reinstall Windows you can simply plug the old disk in a slave (or put it in an enclosure and use it as an external drive). Then depending on what's actually failing you might be able to get the data off.

Taking your three cases:

  • Hard disk failing. You might be able to read data off the drive before it fails completely. This is the worst case.

  • Corrupt MBR. As you are not booting from the disk any more you should be able to use it as a second drive. But you will want to copy all the data off as it could be indicative of a more serious problem.

  • Bad Sector. Again, you should be able to read the data off the drive- apart from in the bad sector, but a repair might fix it and you can carry on using the drive.

Consequences of changing a password in Windows

I'm having 2 machines on my home network where I have the same account name but different passwords. I believe there should be advantages to having a single one (I hope :) but also think that changing it on one of the machines will do something - I'm just not sure what exactly. Will my stored passwords in IE and Chrome still work? Scheduled tasks? Etc.

I'm looking for a list of things that I should watch out for after I change the user password.


Changing your Windows password for an existing user account should affect nothing that you're concerned about.

The main thing you have to watch out for is services that may be set to login as the account you're about to change the password for. If there is any (usually there isn't) then you'll have to edit the service's login credentials (via services.msc) and enter the new password there as well.

How do I create a shortcut to an application thats already running on the taskbar in windows 7?

If I have an application open on the taskbar in windows 7 whats the easiest way of creating a shortcut to that application?

I know that on the desktop you can do Create shortcut and then browse to the application but this seems long winded. Is there a quicker way when I have the app running already?

EDIT: Please note I am trying to create a shortcut somewhere OTHER than the taskbar. e.g. in the start up folder or on the desktop etc.



It's not supported by the taskbar API and it won't be possible without 3rd party support.

I tried CTRL+dragging a taskbar program and even tried dragging the right-click shortcut to no avail

But I'm sure John T will come to this topic and post some awesome AutoHotKey script that will create a shortcut to the app which Windows is focused on.

hard drive - Computer refuses to boot from any Windows live media?

I have a Dell Optiplex 760, which is currently running Ubuntu 14.04. I have been trying to install Windows 10 on my computer for days.

I have written the Windows 10 ISO (downloaded directly from the Microsoft website -- so definitely not corrupt) to a variety of media platforms: DVD, SD card, and USB flash drive. My computer refuses to boot from any Windows 10 live media I create, despite all of these devices being prioritized higher than my actual hard drive in the BIOS boot sequence settings.

Yet, when I try too boot from a live USB flash drive containing Ubuntu, it works perfectly.

If it is of any significance, my computer is currently in the AHCI boot mode, out of the following options:

  • AHCI

  • ATA

  • Legacy

So, can anyone help me to identify and address the issue here?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

networking - How can Mac OS X show network activity without network hardware?

I've recently done a fresh install of Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a Macbook Pro because of a system failure. The system is bare except for what the DVD installs.

I've turned off Airport, Bluetooth, and have no wired connections. However, I'm seeing Network Packets being sent and received in Activity Monitor under the Network tab.

The tcpdump command says that no interfaces were found, but still Activity Monitor shows packets being sent and received.

How is this possible with all network devices turned off?

Are there any terminal commands that I can run to show where these network packets are coming from?


Unix-based systems can have quite a lot of communication going over the loopback interface. It is one of the ways processes can communicate with each other (others are shared memory segments for example).

You can use tcpdump on the loopback interface to view the traffic:

# tcpdump -nni lo0

windows 10 - "Run as Administrator" Without Exposing Protected Files

So I have a shared computer in which multiple users RDP into.

I hold the only administrator account, while the rest are standard privilege accounts.

One standard user uses a particular set of software that only works correctly when run as administrator, this software also has a file "Save As" function. When running as an administrator, it then exposes all files within the popup explorer, which should not be visible to standard privilege accounts.

Is there any way I can run this particular piece of software as an admin on a standard privilege account without exposing the entirety of the file system?

Any suggestions helpful.


In short: No. If you run the particular piece of software "as admin", that exposes everything. If it didn't, it wouldn't be "as admin".

I see a few options:

  • Move this difficult software to a different machine, where you can isolate it such that letting someone be admin only exposes this second machine, thus minimizing the other things that person will have access to.

  • Figure out what, in particular, this software needs to access that seems to require admin rights. Unless the software is explicitly checking for membership in the admins group, and then refusing to run if the check comes up false, there is probably something more granular that you can do. Programs that "need" admin rights are usually doing something wrong, and you might be able to find out what elevated rights the program assumes are in place. Examples include:

    • Giving the non-admin user write-access to the location where the executable lives.

    • Giving the non-admin user write-access to the registry sections that the program use.

As an aside, if the user in question is a standard account, how are they running this program as admin? Do they know the credentials of an admin account? If so, the exposure goes beyond them running this particular program as admin.

windows 7 - Why is dwm.exe using so much memory?

I've scoured the web, but I'm sick of reading "scan your computer for viruses" and "upgrade your RAM" on answers to similar questions to this. I understand that dwm.exe is for (simply put) caching bitmaps for things like Aero-peek and similar, but as far as I have read it shouldn't be using vast amounts of memory.

My colleague and I both have 4GB of RAM, Core 2 Duo, blah, blah -- essentially they're pretty capable. His dwm.exe is running at around 30mb, mine is currently running at about half a gig, though it does fluctuate quite a lot. This is the same while running the exact same applications (currently Zend studio, FireFox (with firemin - low memory usage), Outlook). Every so often I will get a notification asking me if I want to switch to Aero Basic because it's using too much memory, and sometimes it will just switch itself to basic and let me know why.

I know it's possible to stop it switching, but I want to know why it is using too much memory otherwise it's just papering over the cracks.

One thing to add is this seems to have started after a robbery on Monday, where two of my monitors were stolen, and I had to temporarily use a couple of alternative monitors. I am now using brand new monitors but the problem is the same. All drivers installed and working seemingly fine.

Any ideas why the usage is so high?

We are using windows 7 64-bit Professional.


The DWM.EXE process will consume a lot of memory when you have multiple screens and the system performance is set to the default of Let Windows choose what's best for my computer. To change this:

  1. Go to Computer -> Right click and choose Properties

  2. Select the Advanced tab

  3. Select the Settings button under the Performance section. This will popup the Performance Options window

  4. On the first tab is Visual Effects. Select Adjust for best performance or Custom (and select the feature(s) you want).

I chose Custom myself and selected only the Smooth edges of fonts to reduce memory usage from 534M to 6M with running 4 windows.

linux - SSD: NTFS vs EXT4

Always when I read about SSD usage under Linux, the advice is to disable journalling in Ext4 (or use Ext2), since it's too bad for your SSD. But in all articles about SSD tweaks for Windows, I never see any mentions that you should disable NTFS journalling, or that you should stick to FAT32.

I know Ext4's journaling is more advanced, but is it so much more damaging to a SSD than that of NTFS? Or are Linux users just a little bit more cautious?


You can't disable journaling on NTFS.

That being said, the benefits are dubious these days. While writes are limited, the myths of write endurance existed from the first generation of SSDs that appeared in the enterprise market. I find it hard to believe that the same is still true ten years later.

For example, Corsair's blog posted this test.

So one forum member decided to stomp the myth.

The user decided to take three files, copy it a whole bunch, then delete it.

It took 240 TiB of data written to the drive to finally kill it. And mind you, this is on a 40 GB Corsair with a SandForce controller.

The math is easy. If you wrote 20GiB of data a day, it would take you over 30 years to hit that number.

The rest of the blog post gets more detailed and it graphs the SMART data. I'll be glad when the day people stop this one to death. Like the whole "Moon landings were fake" BS. . .

Abnormally high memory usage Windows 2008 R2

I have a problem with my MS Windows Server 2008 R2 - every one-two days server causes BSOD with error 0x0000001d with tcpip.sys driver. There is abnormal huge amount of nonpaged pool bytes in poolmon.

I tried to troubleshoot this strange behavior - poolmon said me that there is a lot of memory used by netio.sys (tag - Nnnn), and when I tried to trace it using xperf - there was a really unclear details for me - most of memory used by n/a stack of Nnnn. Can you help me with resolving this issue?

poolmon screenshot

xperf screenshot


From the trace I can see 3rd party drivers (E1G6032E.sys - Intel Ethernet driver and fweng.sys - Microsoft Forefront driver) involved:

enter image description here

Here are some steps that you can try:

  • uninstall/Update Forefront

  • update VMware (in the ETL I see that you run 2008 R2 in VMware: VMware Virtual Platform) and the guest tools to get a newer E1G6032E.sys driver.

  • Install the Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (because the netio.sys is a bit old (6.1.7601.18327 (win7sp1_gdr.131125-2337)) because the rollup includes a lot of perf/memory related fixes that may also fix the leak if the 2 other steps haven't fixed it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Windows 8.1 update unsuccessful

I can't successfully perform a complete scan using Windows update on my system. The scan is running endlessly, no errors and no timeout.

I have used the Microsoft repair tool WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab three times and every time it repairs the two following points:

  • Missing or corrupted registration service

  • Last updates installation problems

I'm not sure repairing is really effective because it detects the same errors each time.

I try the updates with a powershell script, but it seems to run endlessly too. Finally I stop it manually without any message from it.

Here is my windows update log:

2015-06-02  10:48:00:597     932    7b0 Misc    ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.16422, tz: +0200)  ===========
2015-06-02 10:48:00:597 932 7b0 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
2015-06-02 10:48:00:597 932 7b0 Misc = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2015-06-02 10:48:00:597 932 7b0 Service *************
2015-06-02 10:48:00:597 932 7b0 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2015-06-02 10:48:00:597 932 7b0 Service *********
2015-06-02 10:48:02:602 932 7b0 Agent * WU client version 7.9.9600.16422
2015-06-02 10:48:02:602 932 7b0 Agent * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2015-06-02 10:48:02:602 932 7b0 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2015-06-02 10:48:02:602 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 10:48:02:602 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 10:48:02:602 932 7b0 Agent * Network state: Connected
2015-06-02 10:48:02:633 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 10:48:02:633 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 10:48:04:118 932 7b0 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********
2015-06-02 10:48:04:118 932 7b0 Agent * Endpoint Provider: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2015-06-02 10:48:04:118 932 7b0 Agent * WSUS server:
2015-06-02 10:48:04:118 932 7b0 Agent * WSUS status server:
2015-06-02 10:48:04:118 932 7b0 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2015-06-02 10:48:04:118 932 7b0 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2015-06-02 10:48:04:165 932 7b0 WuTask WuTaskManager delay initialize completed successfully..
2015-06-02 10:48:04:633 932 7b0 Report WARNING: Failed to initialize event uploader for new server {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} with hr = 8024043d.
2015-06-02 10:48:04:633 932 7b0 Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Scheduled} added to AU services list
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 AU AIR Mode is disabled
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2015-06-02 10:48:04:649 932 7b0 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2015-06-02 10:48:04:665 932 7b0 AU # ServiceTypeDefault: Service 117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782 Approval type: (Scheduled)
2015-06-02 10:48:04:665 932 7b0 AU # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated (User preference))
2015-06-02 10:48:04:665 932 7b0 AU WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80070032
2015-06-02 10:48:04:680 932 7b0 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2015-06-02 10:48:04:680 932 7b0 AU OOBE is in progress, so cannot perform Accelerated Install
2015-06-02 10:48:05:227 932 bec DnldMgr Asking handlers to reconcile their sandboxes
2015-06-02 10:48:05:727 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 3.
2015-06-02 10:48:06:775 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 4.
2015-06-02 10:48:09:197 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 3.
2015-06-02 10:48:09:275 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 4.
2015-06-02 10:48:26:995 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 3.
2015-06-02 10:48:26:995 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 10:48:27:136 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 3.
2015-06-02 10:48:27:277 932 7b0 Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 4.
2015-06-02 10:50:48:108 932 50c IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1
2015-06-02 10:50:55:328 932 974 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2015-06-02 10:50:55:328 932 974 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Scheduled} added to AU services list
2015-06-02 10:50:55:328 932 974 AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2015-06-02 10:50:55:344 932 7b0 AU Windows OOBE is still in progress. AU deferring detection
2015-06-02 10:50:55:344 932 7b0 AU WARNING: BeginDetection failed, hr:0x8024a008
2015-06-02 10:50:55:344 932 7b0 AU All AU searches complete.
2015-06-02 10:50:55:344 932 7b0 AU # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 8024a008
2015-06-02 10:50:55:344 932 7b0 AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2015-06-02 09:20:55
2015-06-02 10:50:55:359 932 7b0 AU OOBE is in progress, so cannot perform Accelerated Install
2015-06-02 11:01:18:339 932 7b0 AU ########### AU: Uninitializing Automatic Updates ###########
2015-06-02 11:01:18:340 932 7b0 WuTask Uninit WU Task Manager
2015-06-02 11:01:18:478 932 7b0 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client
2015-06-02 11:01:18:479 2456 16cc Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.16384, tz: +0200) ===========
2015-06-02 11:01:18:479 2456 16cc Misc = Process: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sdiagnhost.exe
2015-06-02 11:01:18:479 2456 16cc Misc = Module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wuapi.dll
2015-06-02 11:01:18:479 2456 16cc COMAPI WARNING: Received service shutdown/self-update notification.
2015-06-02 11:01:18:707 932 7b0 Service *********
2015-06-02 11:01:18:708 932 7b0 Service ** END ** Service: Service exit [Exit code = 0x240001]
2015-06-02 11:01:18:708 932 7b0 Service *************
2015-06-02 11:01:19:709 932 78c Service *************
2015-06-02 11:01:19:709 932 78c Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2015-06-02 11:01:19:709 932 78c Service *********
2015-06-02 11:01:19:719 932 78c Agent * WU client version 7.9.9600.16422
2015-06-02 11:01:19:720 932 78c Agent * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2015-06-02 11:01:19:720 932 78c Agent * Access type: No proxy
2015-06-02 11:01:19:720 932 78c Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 4.
2015-06-02 11:01:19:720 932 78c Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 11:01:19:720 932 78c Agent * Network state: Connected
2015-06-02 11:01:19:726 932 78c Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 4.
2015-06-02 11:01:19:726 932 78c Service UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 2.
2015-06-02 11:01:19:753 932 7a4 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********
2015-06-02 11:01:19:753 932 7a4 Agent * Endpoint Provider: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2015-06-02 11:01:19:753 932 7a4 Agent * WSUS server:
2015-06-02 11:01:19:753 932 7a4 Agent * WSUS status server:
2015-06-02 11:01:19:753 932 7a4 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2015-06-02 11:01:19:753 932 7a4 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2015-06-02 11:01:19:762 932 7a4 WuTask WuTaskManager delay initialize completed successfully..
2015-06-02 11:01:19:766 932 7a4 Report WARNING: Failed to initialize event uploader for new server {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} with hr = 8024043d.
2015-06-02 11:01:19:766 932 7a4 Report CWERReporter::Init succeeded
2015-06-02 11:01:19:766 932 7a4 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********
2015-06-02 11:01:19:766 932 7a4 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2015-06-02 11:01:19:767 932 7a4 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
2015-06-02 11:01:19:767 932 81c DnldMgr Asking handlers to reconcile their sandboxes
2015-06-02 11:01:19:767 932 7a4 AU Additional Service {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782} with Approval type {Scheduled} added to AU services list
2015-06-02 11:01:19:804 932 7a4 AU AIR Mode is disabled
2015-06-02 11:01:19:804 932 7a4 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2015-06-02 11:01:19:804 932 7a4 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2015-06-02 11:01:19:804 932 7a4 AU # ServiceTypeDefault: Service 117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782 Approval type: (Scheduled)
2015-06-02 11:01:19:804 932 7a4 AU # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated (User preference))
2015-06-02 11:01:19:814 932 7a4 AU WARNING: Failed to get Wu Exemption info from NLM, assuming not exempt, error = 0x80070032
2015-06-02 11:01:19:833 932 7a4 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2015-06-02 11:01:19:834 932 7a4 AU OOBE is in progress, so cannot perform Accelerated Install
2015-06-02 11:01:19:852 932 7a4 IdleTmr Incremented idle timer priority operation counter to 1

Can I fix this without having to restore my Windows installation?


It appears you are trying to run Windows updates in Audit mode or the OOBE has not completed, which is why it fails.

I found the following in your log

Windows OOBE is still in progress. AU deferring detection.

WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 8024a008

OOBE is in progress, so cannot perform Accelerated Install.


"the OS has not completed OOBE"


Some possibilities on repairing this issue in this thread, since we do not know why your PC is in audit mode the solution could be one of many.

Monday, March 26, 2018

filesystems - Why shouldn't I always format hard drives in ExFAT?

I'm in the process of formatting an external hard drive with the purpose of long storage of backups (photos and whatnot). Currently I use Mac OS, but I'm not sure I won't switch in the future. As far as I know, ExFAT is compatible with both Windows and Mac OS

Are there any disadvantages to formatting in ExFat rather than Mac OS extended or some other non cross compatible filesystem? Why shouldn't I always chose ExFAT, since it guarantees that I'll always be able to read my disk with pretty much any computer?


ExFAT is probably the most portable solution, being natively readable on most OSes.
It doesn't suffer from the 4GB file size limit of FAT.

On the other hand, you can't use ExFAT for Time Machine, only HFS+ your backups will have to be simple manual copies.

windows - copy file to multiple folders via batch script

I want to copy a file (file.txt) inside all folders of a given destination. I want to create a batch file that does the job, but I'm not so skilled in Windows batch syntax.


You can use the advanced version of the for command available from Windows NT 4 onwards:

You need something like this in a batch file:

for /D %%f in ("%1\*") do copy "%2" "%%f\"

The batch file works as follows:

  • The first argument is the destination directory

  • The second argument is the file to be copied

The for command with the /D switch iterates over all directories in a given path (here: %1) and invokes a command on each iteration. Said command is the copy operation which copies the file into every directory.

Of course, since the batch file is only a single line you can also execute it directly on the command line. Just note that the variable for for has only a single %, then.

1TB NTFS to FAT32 Drive too big?

I have just tried to change the format a 1tb NTFS drive to fat32 and I'm getting a message that the drive's too big. Can anyone help?

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Windows Vista home premium upgrade to Windows 7 ultimate

I have 2 laptops with Vista Home Premium editions. I bought the upgrade license from MS, to upgrade one of my laptops. I have upgraded one of the laptops fine. Now the question is, If I want to upgrade the second laptop but uninstall the windows 7 on the first one, would this be possible. I am only wanting to swap the OS onto the other laptop as the other one is faster. Is this possible? and if so how can it be done?


Technicaly, you will be able to install Windows 7 on both laptops. The issue will be when activating the second one. Unistall Windows 7 from the first computer first of all...

No worry, you will be prompt to call an automated line to check if you have it installed on several computers. Just say "no", only one, and you will be granted with a new activation code from Microsoft.

I had to deal with that a month ago and it worked fine for me. My license was genuine also.

external hard drive - Does [MicroSD Card] + [USB Reader] = [USB Memory Stick] for Windows installatoin media?

On Microsoft's "Create Windows 10 Installation Media" page, it says that in order to create the installation media I need:

A blank USB flash drive with at least 8GB of space or blank DVD (and DVD burner) if you want to create media. We recommend using a blank USB or blank DVD, because any content on it will be deleted.

Would an 8GB MicroSD Card in a USB Reader work the same way? (Would Windows even "know" it wasn't a flash drive?)

thumb drive

I'm also a little unclear as to why an external hard drive can't be used for this purpose, but the only options in the instructions are USB flash drive or DVD-Rom (and nowadays it's easier to find a DVD drive at a garbage dump than at a store)...


Yes it’ll work just fine.

I’ve frequently used a microSD card inserted into a SD adapter inserted into a SD card reader plugged into a USB port to reinstall Windows and had no problems at all.

linux - Httrack filter links with certain pattern

I am trying to use httrack to download an entire webarchive from The idea is to download only the archive links (as many as possible), but only the links that are really from the archive not from the current website. In other words, I want to download only the links that contain this pattern:


Here's an example

Here is an archive link:

In other to download the links that I need, I am using this command:

httrack -* +*/web/20011209181356/*

This should mean, to filter all the links (disable all of them), and enable only those that contain /web/20011209181356/

The command downloads just the homepage, so I guess I'm doing something wrong.

If somebody has an idea of how to get this one done (except from building my own scraper - tried to avoid this in order to save time), even with a different tool that I can use from command line and also works on windows.

Can't disable Windows Defender using group policy and registry

I wish to disable Windows Defender on my fresh Windows 10 install. I know I have to enable the policy Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus in

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus

That didn't seem to work; Windows Defender remained active with its green checkmark along with all its modules.

I then googled some more and saw I could disable it using the registry. I tried to add a new key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender called DisableAntiSpyware with a value of 1 and I got an error

Error while renaming

I restarted my PC several times, turned it off, unplugged it, to no avail. Windows 10 edition is Pro, and I have done this in the past, so I don't understand why this isn't working now.

Has Microsoft changed something in the latest release that prevents users from turning Windows Defender off?

windows 7 - Invalid pipe character in file name

I’m on Windows 7 Pro x64 and I’ve downloaded a file using Firefox and it’s named guerriére | warrior.PNG with a pipe character (|) in file name and I can’t find how to delete or rename it.

Running fsutil 8dot3name query K: shows; K: is a USB NTFS drive:

The volume state for Disable8dot3 is 0 (8dot3 name creation is enabled).
The registry state of NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation is 0 (Enable 8dot3 name creation on all volumes).
Based on the above two settings, 8dot3 name creation is enabled on K:.

But dir /x command doesn’t show short file names.

I've tried to use unlocker and DelinvFile.

Trying to delete it or the folder I receive response :

The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) not found (linux ubuntu)

I just install java following the easy to follow guide:

So by step I:

1) Downloaded jre-8u221-linux-x64(1).tar.gz from my browser (ubunto Gnome)

2) I moved it to my desired path so: /:mv jre-8u221-linux-x64(1).tar.gz /usr/java

3) I changed permission on it /:sudo chmod 777 jre-8u221-linux-x64(1).tar.gz

4) Unzip it: tar zxvf jre-8u73-linux-x64.tar.gz

5) Now done.

If I do a: java -version I obtain:

The program 'java' can be found in the following packages:
* default-jre
* gcj-5-jre-headless
* openjdk-8-jre-headless

* gcj-4.8-jre-headless
* gcj-4.9-jre-headless
* openjdk-9-jre-headless
Try: apt install

As if my java is not detected even if it"s installed...


jre1.8.0_221 man release Welcome.html

root@:/usr/java#:cd jre1.8.0_221/


root@:/usr/java/jre1.8.0_221/#:cd bin

ControlPanel javaws jjs orbd policytool rmiregistry tnameserv
java jcontrol keytool pack200 rmid servertool unpack200

As we can see java is here (/usr/java/jre1.8.0_221/bin/java)

So I don't know what to do, my programs don't detect my java until I define the path and when I execute java -version the version is not detected...

Please help


Edit your ~/.bashrc file and add the following lines:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.8.0_221

Save the changes, exit and restart your bash shell.

Type in java -version to check if it has worked.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

windows 7 - Lenovo laptop keyboard acts as if key is stuck

For the past year or so, my Lenovo W530 laptop has intermittently decided that I'm holding down the 'z' key. The key was never physically stuck; indeed, I could double the rate at which it typed z's by holding down the key! I always had to reboot to fix it, but the problem didn't crop up too frequently.

As of this evening, however, it has been constantly malfunctioning. It starts spamming z's within seconds of logging in - there is a bit of a delay before the horde of z begins.

In Windows 7, I can temporarily stop it by switching users, but it begins again before long. The issue also occurs in Ubuntu Trusty and a live-booted copy of Debian, so it's probably not caused by malware or something similar.

The issue does not occur in the BIOS menu.

I've combed through forum posts about stuck keys and whatnot, but I still haven't the foggiest idea about what's going on. Does anyone know what might be causing this?


Simple googling reveals lots of similar posts about Lenovo laptop keyboard issues. I have witnessed such issues firsthand.

Basically, you can try to reseat the keyboard cable, which may have persistent/temporary effect or no effect at all. If your laptop is under warranty, try to have the keyboard replaced.

boot - Recovering data from Dead Hard disk

My laptop is dual booted with Ubuntu 14 and Windows 10. When I booted up my System there was beep sound at the BIOS screen, taking to the service person said that the hard disk (Seagate 500GB) is dead. The recovery and the service charge was extremely expensive. So I had to look for an alternate way.

I used this EaseUs tool to make a bootable windows on my USB Pen drive and saw that I can see my Hard disk but it shows empty (500GB free). I was relieved slightly by assuring that it was not a Hardware issue.

My question is how to :

  1. Restore the OS and partitions as it was before.

  2. Recover files and folder structure from both the OS partition..

  3. If it is a problem with MBR, how to repair/fix it?

  4. I have also purchased SATA to USB3.0 Converter so I could use some tools to use my hard drive as slave and recover data.

Please suggest me a way or a tool which would help me get the data back.


scanner - Windows 8's Fax and Scan doesn't recognize my HP 7310

When I had Windows 7 I successfully scanned documents with my 7310 AIO operating as scanner.

Now that I upgraded to Windows 8 Windows Fax and Scan doesn't detect any attached scanner.

I tried to uninstall the drivers and reinstall them (after downloading a version that claims to be compatible with Win 8) but the installation fails.

How can I fix this? Error message is "No scanner detected..."

If I use Control Panel's scanner and digital cameras function I am required to (manually) install a scanner driver which I don't currently have. Or at least the devices list doesn't show any HP device.


Have you gone to the HP website to look for Windows 8 drivers for your All in One? This page should be the correct one for the model that you listed. Just choose which version of Windows 8 that you have to get the correct driver.

I found the download page by searching for "HP 7310" in the Windows Compatibility Center which shows that the printer/scanner IS compatible with Windows 8 and gives the link to the driver download page.

Hope this helps,

troubleshooting - Building My First Computer And Suprise It Isn't Working

I've had many years of experience working on and around computers, but this was my first foray into building one completely from scratch. So far that foray has been a disaster.

My rig is completely assembled, and on its maiden power-up plus many power cycles I noticed three things:

  1. There were a few beeps from the BIOS POST upon powering up the first time, but I wasn't paying attention completely to the sequence. However, every time after that there are 0 POST beeps, even after taking off all hardware except the CPU and MB.

  2. There was no video being sent to the monitor. I run a HDMI cable from my video card to the monitor.

  3. The video card was LOUD. My card is a Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 which is known for not only being a powerhouse, but being pretty quiet. A few times during my power cycles it ran a lot quieter, but most of the time it was just super loud.

Can anyone provide help for any of these issues?

My MB, CPU, and Video Card are:

MB: ASUS P6X58D Premium LGA 1366 Intel X58 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard
CPU: i7 920
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 5870

networking - VPN to home network without opening port

I have several devices running on a network at home. I'd like to be able to access them remotely, specifically OpenHAB and OctoPrint webpages, without exposing any ports on my network or dealing with DNS at home.

I was planning to set up an OpenVPN server remotely on DigitalOcean and connect to it via smartphone. Is there a way to have a single computer (say a Raspberry Pi) expose the entire home network to the OpenVPN server?

Speed is not a major issue, but security is. It seems like something doable but I don't have enough networking background to know the right words to search, this would be my time setting up a VPN server. I do not want to install VPN software on every device at home as that's much more to keep updated and some are just little Arduino boards I'd like to ping. Any device outside the network would have VPN software installed of course.


Is there a way to have a single computer (say a Raspberry Pi) expose the entire home network to the OpenVPN server?

Yes, that's a basic function of a router.

  • Both the server and the Raspberry will need IP routing (forwarding) enabled. For example, on Linux that would be the net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding and net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding sysctls.

  • The VPN server needs a route to the LAN subnet via the Raspberry Pi's IP address. (Specifically, via its VPN address, not the LAN one, since the route is from the perspective of VPN server.)

    Note: When you're using OpenVPN in the default "tun" mode, this actually needs to be split into two configurations:

    1. a kernel route to home subnet via tun0 (no gateway),
    2. and an OpenVPN iroute option to the same subnet via Raspberry Pi's IP as the gateway.

    In "tap" (Ethernet emulation) mode, a single kernel route would be all you need.

  • Your LAN's primary router (e.g. the ISP-issued "router/modem") needs a route in the opposite direction – to the VPN subnet via the Raspberry Pi's LAN IP address.

    There are alternatives in case you can't configure this, but they're a topic of a separate thread.

  • The Raspberry Pi itself already has all necessary routes (as it's directly attached to both the LAN and the VPN).

  • Finally, your VPN server needs to push a route for the LAN subnet to all other clients (such as your phone), so that they'll know they need to go through the VPN to reach it.

    (This is optional if you're already pushing the "default" route, but I'd recommend it anyway.)

hard drive - VIRTUALBOX RESIZE PARTITION | Archlinux | guest not recognizing new increased disk size

UPDATED-STATEMENT: 20190206@094017@WED Post created
UPDATED-STATEMENT: 20190208@153938@FRI Attempted to resize partition but unable to get more than 8GB for root or sda2 in my case
UPDATED-STATEMENT: 20190211@133954@MON Attempted to Rescan disk size, but get permission denied

Host: win7-x64-6.1.7601
Host-storage: 500gb with 250gb freespace
Virtualbox-version: [corrected]
Guest-os: Arch Linux x86_64
Guest-kernel: 4.20.5-arch1-1-ARCH
Guest-storage: (supposedly 20gb, but 8gb still shown and it's full at root partition)

Disk Size should never be underestimated as it's better to be safe than sorry

You'll learn to be more flexible if you can increase Virtualbox disk size

I've managed to install Archlinux in Virtualbox as a Guest and using Windows 7 as a Host. It was good until I began to run out of space.
This is because i've chosen to use 8gb for my Virtual Size with everything else as typical setup through Virtualbox. So, this means i'm using the normal file.vdi type of Virtual Machine.
The problem is i'm lacking space which began from me trying to Refresh & Update my archlinux via pacman -Syu to install packages but failed.
I did my research on how to get more disk space for my Archlinux and came across 3-steps. These steps include resizing the disk, resizing the partition, & finally resizing the filesystem.
The resizing procedures vary between Virtualbox's Host/Guest. I got stuck after the first step to resize disk and the issue is that I am unable to have Archlinux see my HDD as 20GB as it's still showing 8GB. Why wouldn't my Guest OS see the increased size made by Virtualbox?

I'll explain what i've done so far and need to know the steps to continuing me through getting more disk space on my Archlinux using Virtualbox as a Guest.


  • The modified disk size isn't recognized in Archlinux after increasing disk size within Virtualbox as it still shows 8GB instead of the increased 20GB

    • How did I increase disk size for my vm-guest in Virtualbox?

      • use virtualboxmanager -> C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe modifyhd "path/to/archlinux.vdi" --resize 20000

    • How did I verify disk size for my vm-guest in Virtualbox?

    • How did I verify disk size for my vm-guest in Archlinux?

      • use archlinuxguest -> fdisk -l | grep sda

      • Disk /dev/sda: 8 GiB, 8589934592 bytes, 16777216 sectors
        /dev/sda1 2048 1050623 1048576 512M EFI System
        /dev/sda2 1050624 12560383 11509760 5.5G Linux filesystem
        /dev/sda3 12560384 16777182 4216799 2G Linux swap

      • use archlinuxguest -> df -Th to display root partition running out
        of space which is /dev/sda2

      • Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

        /dev/sda2 ext4 5.4G 5.0G 119M 98% /

  • The 2nd-step to increasing disk size in Virtualbox is to resize partition, another issue here is that I can't choose any size that exceeds 8GB limit

    • Prepared to resize partition by disabling swap and deleted partitions sda2-root & sda3-swap while keeping boot partition which is efi for sda1

      • root@archiso~# lsblk
        sda 8:0 0 8G 0 disk
        sda1 8:1 0 512M 0 disk
        sda2 8:2 0 5.5G 0 part
        sda3 8:3 0 2G 0 part

    • Attempted to enlarge sda2-root by removing sda2-root & sda3-swap then tried to create new partition for root but with a larger size this time, but unable to because 8GB is still the limit after resizing the disk

      • root@archiso~# gdisk /dev/sda
        (d 2 d 3)
        (n 2 FIRSTSECTOR blank LASTSECTOR 18G)
        Last sector (1050624-16777182, default = 16777182) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: _


  • None-so-far


  • How do you know that you don't have enough disk space for partitioning when using gdisk?

    • You'll be re-prompted without warning for inputting appropriate partition size regardless of First/Last sectors

  • When using Archlinux-boot-image for recovery or partitioning purposes; then, there's no need to be concerned for unmounting when working with your GPT partitioning scheme

    • I used the archlinuxbootimage when working with hard-drives instead of doing it live on the PC i'm using and have to worry about unmounting and so forth

  • Why did you find out the HDD space in Archlinux by grepping sda using fdisk -l?

    • The output is too much info at least now it's showing what drive I have, how much space is used up by each partition

uefi - Windows 7 can work with GPT and MBR disks?

I have a problem that is driving me crazy.

I have installed a 64-bit Windows 7 on a 3TB disk (obviously with GPT partition), I have another 3TB disk also with GPT partition, and two other 1TB disks with MBR partition.

Everything worked fine for 2 months, but then I did not recognize the second 3TB disc. The Windows Disk Administrator asked me to initialize it, and when I chose the GPT partition it would boot it to 128MB.

The bios (UEFI) did not detect me this second disc of 3TB.

Thanks to GParted of Linux, I was able to create the GPT partition again and format NTFS, and the operating system saw it again.

The problem is that when I reconnect the 1TB disks, I do not recognize them, and again unconfigure the 3TB data disk.

Is it a Windows 7 problem? Is it a configuration problem for the UEFI bios, which is configured as UEFI Only ?.

Any help will be welcome.

Thank you for your attention.


If your question is "Is it a Windows 7 problem?" I will say NO. Windows 7 supports both MBR and GPT. Reading your question again "Everything worked fine for 2 months" I think it is a hardware problem. Windows 7 does not forget to support MBR or GPT after two months... :-)

button remapping - Remap Print Screen key under Windows 8

Is there a way to remap the Print Screen key under Windows 8 to some other key combination or to disable the print screen function?

windows - batch file runs fine manually, but line that launches exe fails when batch run in task scheduler

I have a batch file (below) that works perfectly when run, however, when I set up the bat file in the task scheduler it ain't working right. The task scheduler does indeed run the task successfully, so I'm assuming it has to do with permissions for the Administrator regarding the .exe file. I already made sure the admin has permission in the local security options to "logon as a batch job" and I made sure the admin has full control of the entire folder that the .exe is contained in. When I test the batch file manually and it works, I am logged in as the admin.

EDIT: Summary of things asked and answered in comments:

  1. M:\ is a networked drive. It is physically located on this same server, but per requirements of the program, the networked drive letter must be used.

  2. moved bat file to C:\ in the theory that having it on the desktop might be an issue: no change.

  3. When the exe is run, a gui is supposed to launch. This happens when the bat is run manually, but the gui fails to launch when task manager is used. The remainder of the bat runs as intended. Per software developer, gui should be able to run even from task manager and they have not seen this behavior before.

EDIT 2: So I've confirmed that the problem is that the GUI DOES need to launch, contrary to expectations. I can get the task to work by changing to Run only when user is logged on, which causes the UI to appear. However, since this is a server and the task runs in the wee hours of the morning, there usually is not a user logged in. Is there a way to cause the user to log on and off at a specific time? Or another solution other than always leaving a user logged in?

The batch file (REVISED):

netsh interface set interface "Local Area Connection 2" DISABLED
iisreset /stop
timeout /t 120
iisreset /start
netsh interface set interface "Local Area Connection 2" ENABLED
start /d "M:\CBSW" optimize.exe T

The exported XML from the task in task scheduler (revise:









Friday, March 23, 2018

windows 7 - Can't find option to activate legacy boot mode on Asus EFI BIOS

I installed Windows 10 on a PC but it has some incompatibilities with the graphic card. Now I want to install Windows 7, so I burned the ISO on an USB stick, and then I tried to boot the system with it. Instead of launching Windows 7 installer, the computer is booting directly to Windows 10.

I read some stuff over the internet that for Windows 7 installer to be bootable, I need to set the BIOS to legacy mode. However, on ASUS EFI BIOS version 2.00.1201, I can't find this option anywhere. I selected the Boot tab and all I have is this:

Bootup NumLock State

Full Screen Logo

Wait For 'F1' If Error

Option ROM Messages

Setup Mode

Boot Option Priorities

Boot Option #1

Boot Option #2

> Hard Drive BBS Priorities

Boot Override


> Windows Boot Manager

Now, where is the option of setting boot mode to legacy?


In some ASUS firmwares (e.g. "Aptio"), there is no such global choice – all available boot options are merged into a single menu (press Esc to open the boot menu one-time).

BIOS-mode boot entries always describe a specific disk rather than a specific OS (since they only boot the MBR 'bootcode' and don't know the OS name, unlike UEFI-mode boot entries which do). Of course, it's not impossible that an UEFI boot entry would be named after a disk, but that's rather unlikely...

For removable media, UEFI-mode entries also have an UEFI: prefix, while BIOS-mode entries either don't (as in your case) or are prefixed with BIOS: (on some other computers).

Therefore your options are:


  • Windows Boot Manager – UEFI (stored in NVRAM)

  • General USB Flash Disk – BIOS

  • UEFI: General USB Flash Disk – UEFI (autodetected from removable drive)

memory - RAM failure with threadripper build

A new workstation has been built on a remote-site but we’re having trouble getting the memory working.

Build information:

  • Antec P7 Silent Mid Tower Case - Black

  • ASUS PRIME X399-A AMD Socket TR4 Motherboard (latest BIOS installed)

  • AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 3.5GHz Sixteen Core

  • NH-U14S TR4-SP3 Ryzen Threadripper Epyc CPU Cooler

  • Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (1x 16GB) 2666MHz DDR4 (serial CMK32GX4M2B3000C15)

  • PNY Quadro P620 DVI 2GB Pro Graphics Card

  • EVGA 850 GQ 850W Modular

  • Intel SSD 760p Series 128GB M.2-2280 NVMe PCIe

  • Samsung 970 EVO 1TB M.2-2280 NVMe PCIe SSD

Simulation application crashes under load when all RAM was installed. When memtest was ran, it failed.

The test passed only when installing four slots. With 6 or 8 slots populated, memes failed (we didn’t try 1-3 – see picture below).

When replacing with the other 4 memory modules, they also passed memtest, so we concluded that the memory modules are all OK.

Anybody else had any forms of compatibility issues with these products? Or know of any specific settings needed in the BIOS that we are missing?

As for the RAM, frequencies ranging from 2133 MHz to 3000 are visible - which makes me think something isn't set correctly.

Please find extensive screenshots of the workstations BIOS configuration here:

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

netsh - Batch substitute for wifi on/off toggle win 8.1pro - automate hosted network

I'm using netsh to enable an hostednetwork AP and it works fine, but i wanted to make a step forward and try to query and enable the wifi adapter.
Then the problem - if wifi toggle is switched off it won't work. -> what do i mean for wifi toggle switch - also if you try to hardly reboot the device.

this is an example of the batch i tried to use from admin:

  • @echo off

  • netsh interface set interface "Wi-Fi" enable

  • netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=netshfirsttake key=12345678

  • netsh wlan start hostednetwork

  • exit

but it seem to act as hard switch, probably like disabling it from the device manager.
So i definitely I cannot figure out how to activate that switch with a batch.

Is it possible to automate this kind of script via batch? Or I'm just dreaming?

Thanks for your time and help.


boot - What is the method of creating a Windows-booting EFI System partition?

I thought an EFI System Partition that boots Windows (specifically Win10, but I think the concept is the similar for all NT-based Windows) was a unique type of EFI system partition that can only be made using a Windows repair disk and the command line therein. However, I'm getting the feeling I'm being a bit narrow-minded.

Do things work more along the lines of:

  1. create the EFI System Partition using an arbitrary partitioning software, i.e. a Linux tool, Windows repair disk command-line (diskpart), or self-booting application

and then

  1. load magical Windows-booting data using the automatic Startup Repair found on a Windows repair disk or using commands with Windows repair disk command-line, i.e. bcdboot?


You are right - EFI System Partition(ESP) on GPT disk can be created with any disk management tool which is GPT capable.

ESP is used for storing boot related data not only for Windows but for also for other OS like Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint etc. On Linux descendants there are plenty of disk editors which can edit GPT disks. On Windows there are also plenty of free tools which can handle GPT partitions.

During Windows installation another partition is created - MSR - Microsoft Reserved partition. This partition is exactly 128 MB.

See Configure UEFI/GPT-Based Hard Drive Partitions by Using Windows PE and DiskPart for details.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

linux - Trying to remove/diagnose single Current_Pending_Sector in S.M.A.R.T. data

I'm in a process of doing a fresh Linux install and before I went to do that I thought that it is a good time to verify HDD health since I can safely overwrite any data on the HDD if needed.

First I tried checking with smartmontools... My Seagate HDD reports one current pending sector and one offline uncorrectable(presumably the same one). Reallocated sector count is zero.

5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       0

197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 1
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0010 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 1

However SMART self tests (short, long, offline, conveyance) find no errors.

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6631 -

# 2 Conveyance offline Completed without error 00% 6630 -
# 3 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6622 -
# 4 Short offline Completed without error 00% 6600 -
# 5 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6632 -

I've also tried running badblocks -wsv(full read-write 4 pattern pass test) on the drive and no bad blocks were found. I then followed the guide(to the extent possible, since I deleted my filesystem after running badblocks) found here:

There it says that if I overwrite the sector with all zeros the disk should move(reallocate) the pending sector. Badblocks last write pattern is all zeros so that should have done it. however nothing has changed I still have that pending sector count 1.
I then tried figuring out which sector is the problematic one and in the SMART output there is a error log:

Error 2 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 5344 hours (222 days + 16 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
84 51 7c 1b 1a 02 ae Error: ABRT at LBA = 0x0e021a1b = 235018779

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
20 20 7f 18 1a 02 ae 00 00:09:05.228 READ SECTOR(S)
20 20 01 17 1a 02 ae 00 00:09:05.228 READ SECTOR(S)
20 20 01 01 00 00 a0 00 00:08:59.830 READ SECTOR(S)
91 20 3f 01 00 00 af 00 00:08:59.826 INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS [OBS-6]
10 20 01 01 00 00 a8 00 00:08:59.678 RECALIBRATE [OBS-4]

Error 1 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 5009 hours (208 days + 17 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 b7 8c 02 e0 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x00028cb7 = 167095

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
25 20 1e 9e 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.691 READ DMA EXT
25 20 1e 80 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.691 READ DMA EXT

25 20 1e 62 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.690 READ DMA EXT
25 20 1e 44 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.690 READ DMA EXT
25 20 1e 26 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.690 READ DMA EXT

So apparently the drive had two errors.

84 51 7c 1b 1a 02 ae  Error: ABRT at LBA = 0x0e021a1b = 235018779


40 51 00 b7 8c 02 e0  Error: UNC at LBA = 0x00028cb7 = 167095

So I assumed these are the sector numbers: 167095 and 235018779.
And I tried writing zeros with dd:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 seek=167095

Now that one did ok. However when I tried with the other sector:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 seek=235018779

I get dd: '/dev/sda': cannot seek: Invalid argument. I then spotted that my HDD only has 234441658 sectors. So this is out of range. But then why did SMART report an error on that address?!

Can anyone help me figure that out and also advise me how to do this correctly if I'm doing it wrong? I suspect that maybe I'm wrong in using block size 512 with dd. That is the sector size reported by SMART. maybe those LBA addresses are bytes not blocks I tried setting bs=1 and writing only one byte to those addresses on the HDD. That did work(dd write process)… However pending sector count still did not change after that. I also called sync and smartctl -t offline /dev/sda to try 'forcing' the drive to reallocate the sector. Nothing...

Here is my full smartctl --all /dev/sda output:

smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [i686-linux-2.6.32-358.el6.i686] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen,

Model Family: Seagate Barracuda 7200.9
Device Model: ST3120811AS
Serial Number: 6PT1N4VZ
Firmware Version: 3.AAE

User Capacity: 120,034,123,776 bytes [120 GB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is: 7
ATA Standard is: Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated
Local Time is: Mon Nov 18 12:03:00 2013 UTC
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled


SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x82) Offline data collection activity
was completed without error.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline

data collection: ( 430) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
No Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.

SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 51) minutes.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 084 077 006 Pre-fail Always - 185600113
3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0003 095 095 000 Pre-fail Always - 0
4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 098 098 020 Old_age Always - 2185
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 100 100 036 Pre-fail Always - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 073 055 030 Pre-fail Always - 25890559714
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 093 093 000 Old_age Always - 6632
10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0013 100 100 097 Pre-fail Always - 0

12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 098 098 020 Old_age Always - 2229
187 Reported_Uncorrect 0x0032 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 1
189 High_Fly_Writes 0x003a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022 071 056 045 Old_age Always - 29 (Min/Max 25/29)
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 029 044 000 Old_age Always - 29 (0 13 0 0 0)
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered 0x001a 052 046 000 Old_age Always - 194244099
197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 1
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0010 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 1
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x003e 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 0
200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate 0x0000 100 253 000 Old_age Offline - 0

202 Data_Address_Mark_Errs 0x0032 066 219 000 Old_age Always - 34

SMART Error Log Version: 1
ATA Error Count: 2
CR = Command Register [HEX]
FR = Features Register [HEX]
SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]

DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
ER = Error register [HEX]
ST = Status register [HEX]
Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.

Error 2 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 5344 hours (222 days + 16 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
84 51 7c 1b 1a 02 ae Error: ABRT at LBA = 0x0e021a1b = 235018779

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
20 20 7f 18 1a 02 ae 00 00:09:05.228 READ SECTOR(S)

20 20 01 17 1a 02 ae 00 00:09:05.228 READ SECTOR(S)
20 20 01 01 00 00 a0 00 00:08:59.830 READ SECTOR(S)
91 20 3f 01 00 00 af 00 00:08:59.826 INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS [OBS-6]
10 20 01 01 00 00 a8 00 00:08:59.678 RECALIBRATE [OBS-4]

Error 1 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 5009 hours (208 days + 17 hours)
When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

After command completion occurred, registers were:

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 00 b7 8c 02 e0 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x00028cb7 = 167095

Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Powered_Up_Time Command/Feature_Name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
25 20 1e 9e 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.691 READ DMA EXT
25 20 1e 80 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.691 READ DMA EXT
25 20 1e 62 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.690 READ DMA EXT
25 20 1e 44 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.690 READ DMA EXT

25 20 1e 26 8c 02 e0 00 00:02:20.690 READ DMA EXT

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6631 -
# 2 Conveyance offline Completed without error 00% 6630 -
# 3 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6622 -
# 4 Short offline Completed without error 00% 6600 -
# 5 Extended offline Completed without error 00% 6632 -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.


As suggested in the answer from rob I tried overwriting the entire HDD with zeroes. Checked SMART values and then started reading the whole HDD. Again checked SMART values.
The result is: SMART values regarding the pending/reallocated sector count do not change, in both cases, immediately after write and then after read. Reallocated 0. Pending 1.


A sector is marked pending when a read fails. The pending sector will be marked reallocated if a subsequent write fails. If the write succeeds, it is removed from current pending sectors and assumed to be ok. (The exact behavior could differ slightly and I'll go into that later, but this is a close enough approximation for now.)

When you run badblocks -w, each pattern is first written, then read. It's possible that the write to the flaky sector succeeds but the subsequent read fails, which again adds it to the pending sector list. I would try writing zeroes to the entire disk with dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda, checking the SMART status, then reading the entire disk with dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null and checking the SMART status again.


Based on your earlier results with badblocks -w, I would have expected the pending sector to be cleared after writing the entire disk. But since that didn't happen, it's safe to say this disk is not behaving as expected.

Let's review the description of Current Pending Sector Count:

Count of "unstable" sectors (waiting to be remapped, because of
unrecoverable read errors). If an unstable sector is subsequently read

successfully, the sector is remapped and this value is decreased. Read
errors on a sector will not remap the sector immediately (since the
correct value cannot be read and so the value to remap is not known,
and also it might become readable later); instead, the drive firmware
remembers that the sector needs to be remapped, and will remap it the
next time it's written.[29] However some drives will not immediately
remap such sectors when written; instead the drive will first attempt
to write to the problem sector and if the write operation is
successful then the sector will be marked good (in this case, the
"Reallocation Event Count" (0xC4) will not be increased). This is a

serious shortcoming, for if such a drive contains marginal sectors
that consistently fail only after some time has passed following a
successful write operation, then the drive will never remap these
problem sectors.

Now let's review the important points:

...the drive firmware remembers that the sector needs to be remapped, and will remap it the next time it's written.[29] However some drives will not immediately remap such sectors when written; instead the drive will first attempt to write to the problem sector and if the write operation is successful then the sector will be marked good.

In other words, the pending sector should have either been remapped immediately, or the drive should have attempted to write to the sector and one of two things should have happened:

  1. The write failed, in which case the pending sector should have been remapped.

  2. The write succeeded, in which case the pending sector should have been cleared ("marked good").

I hinted at this earlier, but Wikipedia's description of Current Pending Sector suggests that the current pending sector count should always be zero after a full disk write. Since that is not the case here, we can conclude that either (a) Wikipedia is wrong (or at least incorrect for your drive), or (b) the drive's firmware cannot properly handle this error state (which I would consider a firmware bug).

If an unstable sector is subsequently read successfully, the sector is remapped and this value is decreased.

Since the current pending sector count is still unchanged after reading the entire drive, we can assert that either (a) the sector could not be successfully read or (b) the sector was successfully read and marked good, but there was an error reading a different sector. But since the reallocated sector count is still 0 after the read, we can exclude (b) as a possibility and can conclude that the pending sector was still unreadable.

At this point, it would be helpful to know if the drive has logged any new SMART errors. My next suggestion was going to be to check whether Seagate has a firmware update for your drive, but it looks like they don't.

Although I would recommend against continuing to use this drive, it sounds like you might be willing to accept the risks involved (namely, that it could continue to act erratically and/or could further degrade or fail catastrophically). In that case, you can try to install Linux, boot from a rescue CD, then (with the filesystems unmounted) use e2fsck -l filename to manually mark the appropriate block as bad. (Just make sure you maintain good backups!)

e2fsck -l filename

Add the block numbers listed in the file specified by filename to the
list of bad blocks. The format of this file is the same as the one
generated by the badblocks(8) program. Note that the block numbers are
based on the blocksize of the filesystem. Hence, badblocks(8) must be
given the blocksize of the filesystem in order to obtain correct
results. As a result, it is much simpler and safer to use the -c

option to e2fsck, since it will assure that the correct parameters are
passed to the badblocks program.

(Note that e2fsck -c is preferred to e2fsck -l filename, and you might even want to try it, but based on your results thus far, I highly doubt e2fsck -c will find any bad blocks.)

Of course, you'll have to do some arithmetic to convert the LBA of the faulty sector (as provided by SMART) into a filesystem block number. The Bad Blocks HowTo provides a handy formula:

  b = (int)((L-S)*512/B)

b = File System block number
B = File system block size in bytes
L = LBA of bad sector
S = Starting sector of partition as shown by fdisk -lu
and (int) denotes the integer part.

The HowTo also contains a complete example using this formula. After the OS is installed, you can confirm whether a file is occupying the flaky sector using debugfs (see the HowTo for detailed instructions).

Another option: partition around the suspected bad block

When you install your OS, you could also try to partition around the error. If I did my arithmetic right, the error is at around 81.589 MB, so can either make /boot a little small and start your next partition after sector 167095, or skip the first 82 MB or so completely.

ABRT 235018779
Unfortunately, as for the ABRT error at sector 235018779, we can only speculate, but the ATA8-ACS spec gives us some clues.

From Working Draft AT Attachment 8 - ATA/ATAPI Command Set (ATA8-ACS):

6.2.1 Abort (ABRT) Error bit 2. Abort shall be set to one if the command is not supported. Abort may be set to one if the device is not
able to complete the action requested by the command. Abort shall also

be set to one if an address outside of the range of user-accessible
addresses is requested if IDNF is not set to one.

Looking at the commands leading up to the ABRT (several READ SECTOR(S) followed by recalibration and reinitialization)...

Abort shall be set to one if the command is not supported. - This seems unlikely.

Abort may be set to one if the device is not able to complete the action requested by the command. - Maybe the P-list of reallocated sectors shifts the user-accessible addresses far enough that a user-accessible address translated to sector 235018779, and the read operation was not able to complete (for what reason, we don't know...but there wasn't a CRC error, so I don't think we can conclude that sector 235018779 is bad).

Abort shall also be set to one if an address outside of the range of user-accessible addresses is requested if IDNF is not set to one. - To me this seems most likely, and I would probably interpret it as the result of a software bug (either your OS or some program you were running). In that case, it is not a sign of impending doom for the hard drive.

Just in case you're not tired of running diagnostics yet...

You could try smartctl -t long /dev/sda again to see if it produces any more errors in the SMART log, or you could leave this one as an unsolved X-file ;) and check the SMART log periodically to see whether it happens again. In any case, if you continue to use the drive without getting it to either reallocate or clear the pending sector, you're already taking a risk.

Use a checksumming filesystem

For a little more safety, you may want to consider using a checksumming filesystem such as ZFS or btrfs to help protect against low-level data corruption. And don't forget to perform frequent backups if you have anything that cannot be easily reproduced.

hard drive - Leaving bad sectors in unformatted partition?

Laptop was acting really weird, and copy and seek times were really slow, so I decided to scan the hard drive surface. I have a couple hundr...