Monday, April 22, 2019

command line - Make Batch File Cmd Window Stay Open For X Seconds

I'm running a batch file on a server to dump a MySQL database.

I'd like to have the cmd window stray open for, say, 20 seconds, and then close. That's so if I run it manually I can see that it finished the task .

I tried Sleep 20, but it doesn't look like it works. The file is like this:

echo CAMS MySQL database backup
"d:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.1\bin\mysqldump" -u xxxxxxx -pxxxxxx --result-file="D:\MySQL_Data_Backups\cams\cams.%DATE:~10,4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%.sql" cams
echo Done!
sleep 20

When I run this, it closes the window without showing the final echo ("Done!").

If I use pause instead of sleep, it does show the final echo, but I would like the window to close after a delay.

Any suggestions as to what I have done wrong pls?


Use this:

@echo off
echo done
ping -n 1 -w 20000 > nul

-n 1 attempt to connect once
-w 20000 waits 20 sec

@echo off just to have prettier output

Another one is:

timeout 20

This you can stop even before it counts down to 0.

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