Sunday, February 3, 2019

keyboard - AutoHotKey: Pressing two keys simultaneously without repeats

Is there a way to press two keys simultaneously and bind it to a macro key (for example, pressing "s" and "d" simultaneously and then bind it to "a" key) without it having the "s" repeat multiple times when a is pressed?

Another example -
I wrote the script in AutoHotKey as:


SendInput {s down}{d down}{s up}{d up}

And when I test the script in Notepad, it shows the "s" being repeated multiple times with one click of "a"

Is there a way for "s" and "d" to be pressed simultaneously without having it to repeat but will stay enabled as long as "a" is pressed with no delays? Or is there a way to fix the script so that "s" and "d" can be pressed simultaneously without it being spammed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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