Friday, September 20, 2019

string - Check what data type the next line of a file is in java without moving the current scanner position

I have a input txt file as follows:

int int String String
int int String
int int String
int int String String
int int String

There will always be 2 ints followed by either 1 or 2 strings. The problem is, I don't know when there will be 2 strings or when there will be 1.

How would I check if there is a 2nd string after the 1st string (and if so, scan it into the variable string2, and I will append string2 to the end of string1 after)

The solution I thought of is something along the lines of

after String1 is scanned:
if nextline == String, then scan it into string2, start scanning loop over
if nextline != String, start scanning loop over

But I don't know how to code this in java

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