Monday, August 26, 2019

assembly - Intel: serializing instructions and branch prediction

The Intel Architecture's Developer's Manual (Vol3A, Section 8-26), says:

The Pentium processor and more recent processor families use
branch-prediction techniques to improve performance by prefetching the
destination of a branch instruction before the branch instruction is
executed. Consequently, instruction execution is not deterministically
serialized when a branch instruction is executed.

What does this mean?

It sounds really, really bad. It sounds like a serializing instruction like CPUID breaks branch prediction (or vice-versa), but that seems unlikely. Can any ASM folks help me understand what "non-deterministic" means in this context.

*Edited for clarity


It's very confusingly worded, but I believe that its actual meaning is simple: "branches do not (necessarily) serialize execution". We take this for granted today, but it was not always so.

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